One aircraft was assigned for transporting the NCR President, receiving a special green, white, and gold paint scheme as well as the designation Bear Force One. When the Navarro military base was later conquered by the NCR, all of the Vertibirds stationed at the base were put into military service. The destruction of the oil rig later that year has likely destroyed a large number of aircraft in the Enclave's service.

Around 2242, the Chosen One stole the Vertibird plans from the Navarro base, making it possible that the Vertibird plans ended up in the hands of various factions of the wasteland. These were used extensively in field operations on the West Coast, which include trading with the Salvatore family of New Reno, capturing of test subjects for the FEV Curling-13 research program from Arroyo and Vault 13 and more. The second-generation Vertibird was produced into two distinct versions: a transport design, with a large glass canopy, six non-retractable landing struts, a spacious cargo bay and seven-bladed rotors for extra lift, and a gunship, with a heavily armored hull, four rotor blades, four retractable landing struts, and better armament. Limited trial runs were developed and pressed into service, including winterized models during the last stages of the Battle of Anchorage The Enclave would finish prototyping the XVB02 at the Control Station Enclave, along with the X-01 power armor, sometime after the Great War and begin producing the XVB02 en masse. When the Great War struck in 2077, the XVB02 Vertibird was still in the prototype phase, scheduled to enter full military service in 2085.

Following the success of the initial design, the military commenced work on a superior model, hoping to improve on virtually every aspect of the original: Better armor, better weapons, better speed and cargo capacity, everything. While utilized early on in the days before the Great War, Hornwright Industrial got word of its development, and began planning the use of it for their own methods. Developed by the Department of Defense as early as 2072, the original Vertibird was created as a multipurpose tiltrotor vertical take-off aircraft.